Adam Questell


Adam Questell enjoys creating striking, accurate imagery and has committed himself to the form and function of visual communications through the medium of 3D-CGI as applied to illustration and animation for the medical, biotech, scientific, pharmaceutical, technical, and industrial communities.

Adam’s imagery is about quickly and efficiently conveying complex concepts, but it’s also about breathing life and energy into products and ideas. Creating this type of imagery takes someone that enjoys communicating with scientists, physicians, engineers, executives, sales personnel, marketing specialists, advertising teams, and most importantly the audience.

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Scientific American Alien

Are We Living with Alien Cells? That is the question Scientific American asked for the lead article and cover of the very first issue I provided illustration for. They wanted a very humorous and evocative look at the play on words in the title....


Sperm Traveling

A look at sperm traveling through a fallopian tube in search of an unfertilized ova (egg). This piece was inspired by a scene from the Hayao Miyazaki film "Ponyo"....



A look at the synthetic cell-binding domain of Type-I collagen. This series of amino acids stimulates the formation of new bone growth by attracting, attaching, and activating osteoblasts to a repaired injury site....


Lung Cancer

This image was created for the cover of the Journal of Oncology Practice (The Authoritative Resource for Practicing Oncology). It depicts a non-small-cell tumor in human lung tissue. ...


Anatomy of the head

This medical illustration is featured on the cover of an anatomy textbook, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4th Ed. - Donald C. Rizzo. It features photo compositing with a real skeleton and CGI muscles, nerves, blood vessels, eyes, brain, and human silhouette....