Adam Questell


Adam Questell enjoys creating striking, accurate imagery and has committed himself to the form and function of visual communications through the medium of 3D-CGI as applied to illustration and animation for the medical, biotech, scientific, pharmaceutical, technical, and industrial communities.

Adam’s imagery is about quickly and efficiently conveying complex concepts, but it’s also about breathing life and energy into products and ideas. Creating this type of imagery takes someone that enjoys communicating with scientists, physicians, engineers, executives, sales personnel, marketing specialists, advertising teams, and most importantly the audience.

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Portfolio Archive - Page 15 of 22 - A KYU Design
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Path to A-Fib

This illustration path demonstrates a manner in which macroreentry circuits (MRCs) spin up to trigger waves of electrical activity across the heart progressing from a normal sinus rhythm (NSR) to complete atrial fibrillation and subsequent atrial fatigue....


Left Atrial Clip

This image is one of 31 surgical illustrations featured in, "Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Comprehensive Guide to Performing the Cox Maze IV Procedure". It is one of 324 final illustrations completed by Adam Questell for this text....


Left Atrial Lesions

This image is five of 31 surgical illustrations (324 total illustrations) featured in, "Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Comprehensive Guide to Performing the Cox Maze IV Procedure". The image series was subsequently turned into banner stands for medical conferences and speaking engagements....


Left Atrial Lesions

This image is three of 31 surgical illustrations (324 total illustrations) featured in, "Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Comprehensive Guide to Performing the Cox Maze IV Procedure". The image series was subsequently turned into banner stands for medical conferences and speaking engagements....


Stinging Insect Injuries

This image was part of a series of 27 illustrations for the definitive Merck Manuals Online. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore various injuries related to stinging insects. These injuries...


Overweight Cat

This image was part of a series of 24 illustrations for a definitive on-line Veterinary Resource Manual. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore endocrinology and metabolism in a cat....


Porcine Nutrition

This image was part of a series of 24 illustrations for a definitive on-line Veterinary Resource Manual. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore the feeding management and body grading...


Equine Muscle and Movement

This image was part of a series of 24 illustrations for a definitive on-line Veterinary Resource Manual. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore the skeleton, musculature, and motion of...


Canine Eye Ear

This image was part of a series of 24 illustrations for a definitive on-line Veterinary Resource Manual. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore the means by which a dog...


Poultry and Disease

This image was part of a series of 24 illustrations for a definitive on-line Veterinary Resource Manual. Each image was designed to capture the main idea of the body system or disease category. In this image we explore a host of bacteria and viruses commonly...